Tribute book project: “Theodor Damian – 70: Theology of culture and culture of theology” coordinated by Prof. PhD Ioan Gâf-Deac
The book “Theodor Damian – 70: Theology of culture and culture of theology”, published at the Napoca Star publishing house in 2022, is the result of a special project dedicated to the celebration of 70 years of life, activity and creation of Rev. Fr., Prof. PhD Theodor Damian. The project was coordinated by Prof. PhD Ioan Gâf-Deac (former Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Romania in Australia and New Zealand), was […]
Tribute symposium: 140 years since the birth of Martyr Father Dean Aurel Munteanu – May 3rd, 2022
On May 3, 2022, our colleague Alexandra Cotae had the honor to participate in an event of historical significance: the tribute symposium dedicated to the Martyr Dean Aurel Munteanu on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of his birth. The commemorative event was organized by the Orthodox Archdiocese of Huedin at its administrative headquarters, starting at 10:00 a.m., in the presence of His Grace […]
Book project: Adrian Dinescu – Dedicated people and actions in the development of Banat Montan region tourism
Dear friends, we are pleased to announce the completion of a special project, carried out by the consortium of our institutions (Multicultural Business Institute, Delphy Institute for Human and Community Development and the Academy of Elites, Models and Values) and SUD-VEST TV (eng. South-West TV) Television (https: / /, with its founder and director (our colleague and friend) Mr. Adrian Dinescu […]
Russian National Day – Press Conference by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Romania
On June 10, 2021, between 11:00 and 13:00, the press conference of His Excellency Mr. Valery Kuzmin, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Romania took place, in online format. The press conference held by His Excellency on the occasion of the National Day of the Russian Federation has become a tradition. H.E. Mr. Valery Kuzmin answered questions from media representatives[…]
Meeting of the National Confederation for Female Entrepreneurship (CONAF ) – Cluj branch
On Friday, June 4, 2021, our colleague Alexandra Cotae had the honor to participate in a lunch organized by the National Confederation for Female Entrepreneurship (CONAF), Cluj branch, along with members and supporters from professional and entrepreneurial circles. CONAF is an employer confederation established in 2018 – the Centenary Year of the Great Union, through the merger between […]
Collaboration meeting with Mr. Antonio Patanè, director of Cluj International Committee
Today, Monday, February 8, 2021, our colleague Alexandra Cotae, president of Multicultural Business Institute, had the honor of a new meeting with Mr. Antonio Patanè, founder of FSP Global in Cluj-Napoca (, vice-president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Romania, president of the Italian Business Club and director of the Cluj International Committee […]
Russia-Romania – ways of adapting interregional cooperation to new realities
On November 26, at 2 pm (Moscow local time), Ms. Alexandra Cotae, General Manager of the Multicultural Business Institute, together with Ms. Dana Coza, President of the Delphy Institute for Human and Community Development, had the honor to participate in the online event “Russia-Romania – ways of adapting interregional cooperation to new realities” organized by the Moscow Chamber of Commerce […]
Italian-Romanian “Futura” Association – Members` meeting
On Friday, October 30, 2020, at 6 pm (5 pm in Italy), the meeting of the members of the Italian-Romanian Association “Futura” took place online, on the Zoom platform. Our colleague Alexandra Cotae participated as a member of the Association. In the first part, various aspects of solidarity between the two communities – Italian and Romanian – were unraveled: economic, cultural, social assistance […]
Meeting with Daniel Metz, CEO of NTT DATA Romania
On July 20, 2020, our colleague Alexandra Cotae, president of the Multiculural Business Institute met Dr. Daniel Metz, CEO of NTT DATA Romania (currently Chairman of the Board of Directors – ). NTT DATA is a Japanese multinational company, a global leader focused on constant innovation in its services in the field of digitization and IT: Advanced Embedded Technologies […]
EBW and OSUBB event – Business Strategies in 2020
On February 18, 2020, Multicultural Business Institute had the pleasure and honor to participate in a new event of the Elite Business Women club, Cluj-Napoca branch. Organized in collaboration with the Student Organization of Babeș-Bolyai University. With the theme “Business Strategies in 2020”, the event, organized at the Seat showroom was a more […]
Charity concert “You Can Dream, You Can Do”
On Thursday, February 6, 2020, Multicultural Business Institute, represented by Ms. Alexandra Cotae, had the honor to participate in the charity concert “Poți să Visezi, Poți să Faci” (eng. “You Can Dream, You Can Do”) for children with cancer supported by the “Little People Romania” Association. The event took place at the National Theater in Cluj-Napoca and combined […]
The book “The diary of a community architect: how to build buildings of positive change in society through people and good deeds. Legend of PEDITEL 1791 ” under the tutelage of the Elites, Models and Values Academy
At the beginning of the year (2020), we are very pleased to offer you the result of one of the first projects published under the tutelage of the newest platforms launched by our Institute – Elites, Models and Values Academy: the book “Journal of a community architect: how to build positive change in society through […]
Meeting with Professor Vasile Dâncu – September 16, 2019
On Monday, September 16, 2019, we had the pleasure of a new meeting with Mr. Vasile Dâncu, sociologist, former deputy prime-minister of Romania, director of the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy (IRES). During the discussion, some forms of cooperation within our community, educational, cultural programs have been materialized, based on previous […]
Campania de strângere de fonduri pentru susținerea Platformei Valori Românești realizată de Centrul Medical Medsan în parteneriat cu Multicultural Business Institute
În luna iunie (2019) ne-am propus ca în cadrul evenimentului nostru periodic, „22 în Dar” să sprijinim Platforma „Valori Românești”, un proiect al Multicultural Business Institute, având ca scop principal descoperirea tinerilor de valoare din sistemul educațional românesc și susținerea acestora în dezvoltarea profesională și personală […]
”L’art s’invite dans l’industrie”
On January 23, 2019, at the headquarters of Energom, Groupe Gonzales took place the New Year’s Ceremony organized by the French Business Club Cluj, the French Institute in Cluj-Napoca and the University of Arts and Design; the reception hosted the painting exhibition ”L’art s’invite dans l’industrie” […]
Creating and coordinating the Romanian Values Platform
Since October 2016, the Multicultural Business Institute has created and manages the Romanian Valuation Platform, a program for the promotion of young people and their achievements, which through their scientific, technical, cultural and artistic creations are contributing to the progress of the Romanian society and the global one. […]
Founding member of Transilvania Creative Industries Cluster
Since this month, Multicultural Business Institute is officialy a founding member of Transilvania Creative Industries Cluster – the first of its kind in Romania.”In early October, the signing of incorporation articles in order to formalize the Transilvania Creative Industries Cluster took place in the Cluj-Napoca City Hall […]
Member of the Local Civic Council of Cluj and coordinator of the General Secretariat from September 2016 to October 2017)
At the invitation of Mr. Iosif Pop, the founder of Transilvania Bank and the IMO Group, the President of the Local Civic Council of Cluj-Napoca (Consiliul Civic Local -in Romanian, or CCL-abreviated), Multicultural Business Institute became a member of the Council. The Local Civic Council is the voice of the civil society in Cluj, consisting of over 45 community […]
Proiectul media de preluare a expertizei, soluțiilor experților din domeniile diplomatic, de afaceri și ONG privind importanța multiculturalismului prin metoda interviului înregistrat video și audio.
Interviurile sunt prelucrate și transformate în cărți/ manuale/ ghiduri utilitare (educaționale, științifice, tehnice, de dezvoltare personală, inspirațional-motivaționale etc), acreditate în parteneriat cu Academia Elitelor, Modelelor și Valorilor, iar apoi distribuite gratuit în mediul online, în mediile publice educaționale (școli, universități), în bibliotecile importante din România (universitare, școlare, județene, municipale etc) precum și înregistrate în patrimoniul cultural național.
Multicultural business world’s Vision on the reform, reconstruction, development, innovation of the Romanian society
In December 2015, we launched the program aimed at taking the multicultural professionals’ rich expertise, life experience, vision and proposed solutions on the improvement of the social, cultural and professional environment […]
NGO’s School/Academy
During the NGO’s Forum that took place on October 28, 2016 , Multicultural Business Institute proposed as topic for its roundtable debate the need for an NGO’s school, so that NGOs become professional organizations that take over from companies management strategies and function under their criteria for performance, adapted permanently […]
Programul cu caracter intercultural, educațional și comunitar: Viziunea indiană în afaceri – să învățăm din expertiza corporațiilor, managerilor și antreprenorilor indieni din România,
cu misiunea de a promova și facilita schimburile și legăturile Româno-Indiene în materie de valori și practici, începând cu domeniul de afaceri prin preluarea expertizei, cunoștiințelor, know-howului specific, precum și valorile și povestea fiecărei firme, antreprenor sau manager, prin metoda interviurilor structurate.
BISMUN 2016 – Bucharest International Student Model United Nations
From 23 to 28 of March 2016, our colleague in the managerial team, Oana Cristorean, participated in the 8th edition of the BISMUN (Bucharest International Student Model United Nations) Conference, which took place at the Palace of Parliament and brought together over 200 participants from Europe and countries all over the world […]
Participation in COM’ON Cluj-Napoca-Youth Participatory Budgeting project part of Cluj 2015, European Youth Capital.
Starting January 20, 2015, Multicultural Business Institute enrolled in COM’ON Cluj-Napoca-Youth Participatory Budgeting in Cluj 2015, European Youth Capital. Young people, migrants and Romanian alike, were introduced to the COM’ON project by its initiators: PONT Group in partnership with Cluj Intercultural Awareness Organisation (CIAO), SHARE Federation and Cluj-Napoca City Hall and Council.