We present you some of the cultural programs and events at which the Institute participated as a promoter of intercultural relations at the level of Romanian and foreign communities: diplomatic (consulates, embassies), cultural (Romanian and foreign cultural institutes and centers), business (corporate environment, professional associations, chambers of commerce, foreign investors’ organizations), community
Academic book project: Theodor Damian –
“Gregory of Nazianzus` Poetry and his Human Face in it”
The book „Gregory of Nazianzus` Poetry and his Human Face in it” (Napoca Star publishing house, 2022) is the result of a project with academic and cultural status, regarding the translation and dissemination in Romania of the volume with the same title, published for the first time in the United States of America, under the patronage of the Romanian […]
Academic and cultural book project: Theodor Damian – “Bio-Bibliographic Landmarks”
The volume „Repere Bio-Bibliografice” (in English:”Bio-Bibliographic Landmarks”), published in August 2022 at Eikon publishing house, is the result of an editorial project on the promotion of Romanian values, carried out under the patronage of the Academy of Elites, Models and Values (https://elite.mcb-institute.org ), in collaboration with the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality in New York […]
Book launch: Daniela Floroian – “Excellence and value. 12 dialogues with exceptional personalities from Romania” – Alba Iulia
On Thursday, September 30, from 17.00, in the area of the Principia Museum in Alba Iulia, in the Alba Carolina Citadel Square, a great cultural event took place, organized by the Alba County Council and the “Lucian Blaga” Alba County Library, through the project 3.17. “Book launches and presentations”, with the support of Alba Iulia City Hall: launch of the book “Excellence and value – 12 dialogues with exceptional personalities […]
Cultural event: Colonel (r) Eng. Ștefan Cotae and his 7 poetry books
On July 15, 2021, at “Octavian Goga” County Library, Cluj-Napoca main headquarters, took place the cultural event to promote Col. (r) Eng. Ștefan Cotae and his 7 poetry books published under the tutelage of Multicultural Business Institute (www.mcb-institute.org) and “Romanian Values” national platform (www.valori.mcb-institute.org ). Mister Cotae is a member of the Academy of Elites, Models and Values […]
The Launch of Viorica Pârja’s 4 books under the tutelage of the Academy of Elites, Models and Values
On June 10, 2021, our colleagues Alexandra Cotae, president of Multicultural Business Institute and Dana-Maria Coza, president of Delphy Institute for Human and Community Development participated in the launch event of the 4 books of Mrs. Viorica Pârja published during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021: “The word, the journalist and the world. Lessons learned. Lessons to be learned”, “Symbols of human becoming […]
Cérémonie des vœux en 2021: L’Art s’invite…chez nous
Our colleague Alexandra Cotae, together with colleague Dana Maria Coza, president of the Delphy Institute for Human and Community Development, participated in the French opening event of the new year 2021 which took place on January 29, 2021, online, on the Zoom platform, starting at 5.30 pm. The event, called Cérémonie des vœux en 2021: L’Art s’invite… chez nous was organized […]
TERRANOVA: Renaissance of the Spirit
On September 11, 2020, at 7.30 pm, our colleague Alexandra Cotae had the pleasure and honor to participate in the absolute premiere of the show TERRANOVA: Renaissance of the Spirit, made by the famous artist Ovidiu Lipan Țăndărică, on the outdoor stage of OPERA SUMMER HUB, summer micro season organized by the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca at Cluj Innovation Park […]
Opera à la Carte: Italian Evening – July 10, 2020
On Friday, July 10, 2020, we had the honor to participate in a special artistic event: Opera à la Carte: Italian evening. The event is part of the artistic program “Opera Summer Hub”, co-organized by the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca, the Regional Center of Excellence for Creative Industries Cluj-Napoca (CREIC) and Londoner […]
“Evenings in Moscow” Russian film festival – 3rd edition, 2019
On the 1st of November, 2019, our Institute had the pleasure to participate at the opening of ”Evenings in Moscow” Russian film festival, 3rd edition, organized in Cluj-Napoca at Victoria Cinema by our friends from Vostok Group in partnership with Russian Centre of Culture and Science in Bucharest, Russian Cultural Centre of Babeș-Bolyai University […]
Meeting with Professor Vasile Dâncu – May 31, 2019
On Friday, May 31st 2019, Multicultural Business Institute, through its president, Ms. Alexandra Cotae, was greatly honoured to discuss with the distinguished Professor Vasile Sebastian Dâncu – one of the most appreciated strategists in the development of Romania – sociologist, former deputy prime minister, former Minister of Regional Development and Public […]
DWNT New Year 2020 concert Wanderlust Simphonie
On January 16, 2020, our Institute, represented by Mrs. Alexandra Cotae, had the honor to participate in the Wanderlust Simphonie New Year concert, organized by the German-speaking Businessmen’s Club of Northern Transylvania (Deutschsprachiger Wirtschaftsklub Nordtransilvanien) in partnership with Young Famous Orchestra and its founder and conductor Vladimir Agachi […]
„La fratellanza italo-romena”
On March 24, 2019, at the Grand Hotel Italia in Cluj-Napoca, the Multicultural Business Institute was honored to participate at the conference “La fratellanza italo-romena” – “Italian-Romanian Fraternity”, organized by the Italian Business Club under the patronage of the Embassy of Italy in Romania. During the event, the cultural, social and economic aspects of the relations between the Italian citizens […]
Opening of the Polish Consulate in Cluj-Napoca
On November 13, 2019, 6.30 pm, Multicultural Business Institute, represented by Ms. Alexandra Cotae, founder and general manager, had the special honor to attend a gala concert on the occasion of the official opening of the Polish Consulate in Cluj-Napoca, at the invitation of The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Romania and the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Cluj-Napoca, Ms. Mihaela Monica Călușer […]
Back to the future: successful business strategies – Elite Business Club Event
On May 8, 2019, Multicultural Business Institute representative was pleased to participate in a special networking event of Elite Business Women: Elite Business Club Cluj event, dedicated to entrepreneurs, managers, specialists and all who understood the importance of networking in the development of the business they represent or the personal brand.
“The Teacher Within: A Mindful Journey Towards Well-Being for Teachers in the 21st Century” – by Simona Baciu and Susan Shapiro
On Thursday, November 15, 2018, the management of the Multicultural Business Institute was pleased and honored to attend a special event in the field of education: launching of the book “The Teacher Within: A Mindful Journey Towards Well-Being for Teachers in the 21st Century” having as authors: Simona Baciu, founder of the Transylvania College in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, educator
„140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Romania: history and perspectives”
International Scientific Conference “140 Years After Establishing Diplomatic Relations between Russia and Romania: History and Perspectives”. Organizers: Embassy of the Russian Federation in Romania, Rossotrudnicestvo Agency Representation in Romania, Russian Center for Science and Culture, with the support of the “Florin Constantiniu” Russian and Soviet Studies Center (May 17, 2018);
“Devi Sutra. Maytrei or Love does not die ”
2.The cultural event “Devi Sutra. Maitreyi or Love does not die” organized by the Cluj Center for Indian Studies at Babeş-Bolyai University at the Art Museum in Cluj-Napoca. Special guests: Dr. A.V.S. Ramesh Chandra, Ambassador of India to Romania and his wife, Ms. Kathyayini R. Chandra (February 15, 2017)
10 Years after Romanian EU entry. Present and Perspectives.
Conference 10 Years after Romanian EU entry. Present and Perspectives. Multicultural Business Institute, as a founding member of the Creative Industries Cluster, attended the conference organized by the Association for Social and Economic Research and Forecasting (ASPES) and Sustainable Romania entitled “10 years after Romania’s EU entry […]
Workshop: “Colaborative Projects: Ideas, Challenges, Benefits”
Multicultural Business Institute, as a member of Transylvania Creative Industries Cluster, attended the workshop on “Collaborative Projects: Ideas, Challenges, Benefits ” held on November 8, 2016. This workshop was an event organized within Transilvania Creative Industries Cluster project – cultural project funded by the Ministry of Culture […]
Cultln project – Transylvania Creative Industries Cluster – the final conference
On November 14, 2016 at Tailors’ Bastion was held the final conference organized on the occasion of conclusion of the project CultIN – Transylvania Creative Industries Cluster , a project funded by the Ministry of Culture. This event was opened by the President of Transylvania Creative Industries Cluster […]
“Meet the African Ambassadors at Babeș-Bolyai University!”
“Meet the African Ambassadors at Babeș-Bolyai University!”: reuniunea grupului ambasadelor și consulatelor din Africa acreditate din România, pe tema „The Role of Women in the Development of Africa. Opportunities and Challenges” (May 12, 2016);
Conference: “Iran: History, Culture and Modernity”
Conference “Iran: History, Culture and Modernity” followed by a Question and Answer session with His Excellency Hamid Moayyer, Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran to Romania; organizers: “Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca: Faculty of History and Philosophy – Department of International Studies and Contemporary History; Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Cluj County Council – Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania, Middle East Political and Economic Institute in Bucharest (April 1, 2016);
Conference “Romania and Poland in European context”
The Conference “Romania and Poland in European Context”, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Romania, the Polish Institute and the European Studies Department of “Babeş-Bolyai” University (May 20, 2016).
50 lessons for superior quality of life – holistic wellness program
BISMUN 2016: Bucharest International Student Model United Nations, 8th edition, March 23-28, 2016.
From 23 to 28 of March 2016, our colleague in the managerial team, Oana Cristorean, PR manager within Multicultural Business Institute, participated in the 8th edition of the BISMUN (Bucharest International Student Model United Nations) Conference, which took place at the Palace of Parliament […]