Dragi prieteni, avem plăcerea să vă invităm la deschiderea cursului
susținut de colegul nostru (muzician, compozitor și artist) Dragoș-Ioan Rusu
Cursul este parte a programului comunitar Educație muzicală pentru dezvoltare personală și creativă a ființei umane – coordonat de Dragoș – program ce are ca misiune să vină în sprijinul special al tinerilor (dar și adulților), familiei și societății ajutând la modelarea pozitivă a personalității umane prin intermediul uneia dintre cele mai îndrăgite muze: arta muzicală – aducând multiple beneficii psihologice, medicale și sociale deopotrivă participanților cât și celor din jur (așa cum vă invităm să descoperiți în continuare) […]
Educational book project: Theodor Damian – “The woman and the way of salvation. The poetic face of the woman”
The book is the result of the educational project “Woman and the salvation of the world”, curated by Rev. Fr., Professor PhD Theodor Damian and realized in the partnership between 3 organisations of our consortium: the Academy of Elites, Models and Values, Multicultural Business Institute, Delphy Institute for Human and Community Development, on one hand and the Romanian Institute of Theology and Orthodox Spirituality in New York and the Auxiliary Association of Orthodox Women in America, on the other hand. The project was carried out under the moral patronage of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Two Americas and the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of Canada, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Father Nicolae and His Holiness Father Bishop Ioan Casian as well as with the support of Mrs. Priestess Eng. Claudia Aileni.[…]
Meeting with Mr. Alois Weil
On July 22, 2020, our colleague Alexandra Cotae had a meeting with Mr. Alois Weil, President of the “Alois Weil” Association. By profession agronomist engineer, Mr. Alois Weil is a manager within an American company in the field of agriculture active in the Arad area. Bibliophile, passionate about history and economics, Mr. Weil has compiled one of the most important collections of historical securities, representative for the current territory of Romania […]
Bizz.Club Cluj Premier Meeting
On November 13, 2020, our colleague Alexandra Cotae, president of Multicultural Business Institute, had the pleasure to participate in the online meeting of the members of the business club bizz.club – Cluj branch, at the invitation of lawyer Diana Vana, president of the Cluj Club , member of the Academy of Elites, Models and Values (https://elite.mcb-institute.org/membrii-academiei/ ). Ms. Cotae was delighted to talk about the collaboration […]
Online Book launch – „Workshop to create beautiful and conscious people”
On May 6, 2021, our colleague Alexandra Cotae participated in the online launch event of the book “Workshop to create beautiful and conscious people” by the authors Viorica Pârja, well-known journalist from Baia-Mare, and Mirela Gîț, consultant, coach, trainer, speaker on the John Maxwell Team. The volume is the result of a project managed by Viorica Pârja, realized within the platform “Home in beautiful Romania” – a partnership between […]
Dear firends, we announce the opening of registrations for the second edition (2021) of the course:
We gladly invite you to benefit from a new MBI certified educational program, offered free of charge by our Institute in collaboration with Mrs. Marina Ferenț, Senior Researcher and also Junior Lecturer Phd. candidate at Faculty of Economics and Business Management, from “Babeș-Bolyai” University
For details on the organization of the course and its benefits, as well as ways to register, we invite you to see the information below:
Course name: Basics of R programming language in statistical analysis
Number of hours: 21 hours, divided into 8 meetings of 1 h 30 min each and 9 hours of individual work
Procedure: Given the current context generated by the emergence of the new SARS-CoV-2, the courses will be conducted online using the Skype platform (unlike last year when we used zoom). Participants will receive a login link at the beginning of the course.
Number of participants: maximum 10 participants in order to maximize the student-teacher interaction.
Knowledge and skills acquired by students at the end:
- Differentiating between different R data structures (for example, vector, matrix, data frame, list) – generating the structures, properties of the structures, operations
- Visualizing data using base R graphics – bar charts, pie charts, histograms, scatter plots, line charts
- Analyzing data using predefined R functions – statistical measures, correlations, linear regression, forecasting
- Writing an R code that can execute repetitive tasks – for loops, conditional statements
- Writing user defined functions – applications on writing the functions for: statistical measures, correlations, linear regression, forecasting
By the end of the course, the students will become independent R users, being able to understand R code, write their own code and debug. Also, they will be able to perform a statistical analysis in R (visualizing, computing statistical measures, performing cross tab analysis, linear regressions, and forecasting).
For what and where can the course be usefull in professional life?
The course is aimed at people with minimal knowledge of statistics and econometrics who want to learn the basics of a programming language used in statistical data analysis. Thus, after completing the course, students will be able to move to data analyst jobs or form the basis for a data scientist, machine learning engineer, big data engineer, or researcher. These jobs have applications in a multitude of fields (eg financial, banking, marketing, management, economics, political science, agricultural science, tourism, culture, medicine, etc.), in private companies, NGOs, research institutes or in academia.
For registration and other information please contact our colleague, Marina Ferenț-Pipaș, program manager, at <marinaferent@gmail.com>.
Thank you and good luck !
a) Academic level
High-school and university students and other interested public, will have the possibility to pursue our courses, taught by our associate professionals, in the fields providing the necessary knowledge and skills for professional and entrepreneurial development: management, marketing, sales, negotiations, business and tax law, human resources, finance and accounting, event organisation, intercultural communication and others in the same category.
Also, for people wishing to initiate themselves in other domains, for personal or professional purposes, we can introduce qualification coursesin diverse fields, such as technical, technological, artistic, scientific, cultural fields.
Our specialized manuals and guides, a result of Institute’s members’ research activity, are published and ready to introduce in the educational and academic environment.
b) Non-formal level
We will offer a wide variety of outside-school learning opportunities from workshops, debates and discussion groups to conferences, symposia and intercultural integrative events, informative manuals and webportals, created and organized within our departments and multicultural clubs. Through our programs not only can you discover or improve upon specific skillsets but you can also meet a large variety of people with multiple backrounds and experiences with whom to share ideas, find solutions to society’s problems, broaden your horizons and dissolve cultural barriers.