We present you some of the programs and events at which the Institute participated as a promoter of intercultural relations at the level of Romanian and foreign communities: diplomatic (consulates, embassies), cultural (Romanian and foreign cultural institutes and centers), business (corporate environment, professional associations, chambers of commerce, foreign investors’ organizations), community.
Book launch: Daniela Floroian – “People and destinies. 15 stories about life, value and professionalism” – November 14, 2022
On Monday, November 14, 2022, a memorable event took place in Alba Iulia, in the premises of the Principia Museum in the Alba Carolina Citadel, a cultural-artistic royal: the launch of the book “People and destinies. 15 stories about life, value and professionalism”, authored by the distinguished Mrs. Daniela Floroian. The book, published by the Napoca Star publishing house, is the result of a beautiful […]
Meeting with Protosinghel Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, PhD – exarch of the monasteries of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada – September 23, 2022
On Friday, September 23, 2022, in the premises of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of “Babeș-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca, our colleague Alexandra Cotae had the joy of seeing our colleague, friend and collaborator, Priest Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, exarch of the monasteries of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada, scientist and man of culture PhD in theology of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca […]
Meeting with Rev. Fr., Prof. Phd Theodor Damian and Ms. Claudia Damian – august 2022
During August 2022, our colleague Alexandra Cotae, the president of the Multicultural Business Institute, had the pleasure and honor of seeing our friends from New York again in Cluj-Napoca: Rev. Fr. Prof. PhD Theodor Damian, together with Mrs. Claudia Damian, the secretary of the Romanian spirituality and culture magazine “Lumină Lină/Gracious Light” of the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality in New York […]
Participation in the CEO Clubs meeting – Cluj branch – June 16, 2022
On June 16, 2022, our colleague Alexandra Cotae had the great honor to participate in a meeting of CEO Clubs-Cluj branch members, at the invitation of Mr. Philip Choban, founder and CEO of the telemedicine company Telios Care, also a member of the Academy of Elites, Models and Values (within our consortium of organizations). During the event, Mr. Philip Choban was one of the speakers along with Tudor Ciuleanu […]
Informal Gathering of Cluj Napoca International Committee – May 27, 2022
On May 27, 2022, our colleague Alexandra Cotae had the pleasure to participate in the last informal gathering of the members of the international community in Cluj, organized by Cluj International Committee at the Maimuța Plângătoare restaurant in the central area of the city. On this networking occasion, we met friends, partners and supporters of our consortium of organizations and also […]
Meeting with Rev. Fr. Theodor Damian, Professor PhD and Mrs. Claudia Damian
On Friday evening, August 27, 2021, in the central area of Cluj, our representatives, Mrs. Alexandra Cotae, President of the Multicultural Business Institute and Mrs. Dana-Maria Coza, President of the Delphy Institute for Human and Community Development, had the pleasure and honor to meet in person our friends from New York – Reverend Father, Professor PhD Theodor Damian […]
Books donation from the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality in New York and Rev.Fr., Theodor Damian, Professor PhD
Dear colleagues and friends, we are happy to announce that the library of our consortium or organisations (Multicultural Business Institute, the Academy of Elites, Models and Values, Delphy Institute of Human and Community Development, ”Romanian Values” National Platform) has been enriched with another 60 new volumes, following the donation made by our partners and friends in America: the Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality (IRTSO) in New York […]
Fiesta Italiana 2021
On Wednesday evening, June 2, 2021, the Italian Fiesta took place – the meeting to celebrate the Italian National Day, organized by the Italian-Romanian community at the Etrusco Hotel-Restaurant in Gherla, Cluj County. Representatives from the diplomatic, business, academic , ecclesiastical environment of the Italian community from Cluj and Transylvania participated, together with representatives from the professional […]
New Year 2021 Digital Event by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands and BEROCC
Our colleague Alexandra Cotae participated in the New Year event organized online by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Bucharest and the Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldova Chamber of Commerce (BEROCC), on January 27, 2021, at 18.00.During the event there were several moments including speeches given by special guests, awards to some BEROCC member organizations, musical concert […]
L’Art s’Invite dans l’Industrie 2.0. – 2020
On January 22, 2020, Multicultural Business Institute, represented by Ms. Alexandra Cotae, had the honor to participate in the New Year ceremony organized by the Francophone Business Club of Cluj in partnership with the French Consular Agency in Cluj-Napoca, the French Institute of Cluj-Napoca, the Energom company and the Arts and Design University (UAD) in Cluj-Napoca[…]
Meeting with Professor Vasile Dâncu – June 16, 2019
Duminică, 16.06.2019, am avut plăcerea să ne revedem cu domnul Profesor Vasile Dâncu, sociolog, fost vice-prim-ministru al României, directorul Institutului Român de Evaluare și Strategie. Timp de 2 ore am început să conturăm idei de cooperare pe baza unui schimb prețiosde idei, de viziuni privind nevoile societății […]
Meeting with H.E. Vasile Vita, Honorary Consul of Turkey in Cluj
On July 30, 2019, the management of Multicultural Business Institute had the special honor to meet His Excellency, Mr. Vasile-Andrei Vita, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Turkey in Cluj also a well appreciated entrepreneur from Cluj, founder of Vitacom Electronics since 1991. The Turkish Consulate facilitates in particular the Romanian-Turkish economic relations in 9 counties: Sibiu, Alba, Cluj, Bihor, Satu Mare, Maramureş, Sălaj […]
ELITE Cocktail Networking Event Cluj-Napoca
On December 10, 2019, at Rod Restaurant in Cluj-Napoca took place the ELITE Cocktail Networking Event Cluj-Napoca – the last event of the Elite Business Club Cluj-Napoca, part of Elite Business Women – the largest company promoting women’s entrepreneurship in Romania. Our institute was represented by Ms. Alexandra Cotae, founder and general manager. Members and other guests found success stories, exchanged business experiences […]
Fiesta Nacional de España – 2019
On Monday, October 14th, 2019, the event of the National Day of Spain was held under the high patronage of the Spanish Embassy in Bucharest in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of Spain in Cluj-Napoca. During the event, hosted by the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania in Cluj, the concert Vίa de la Plata: Asturias (The Silver Way: Asturias) was held, supported by ESBILLA duo […]
Ziua Națională a Franței – Eveniment de celebrare a libertății, fraternității, demnității umane
“14 iulie este sărbătoarea națională a Franței. Dar 14 iulie este și sărbătoarea tuturor țărilor care aspiră la liberatate. Este sărbătoarea drepturilor omului, este sărbătoarea emancipării, este sărbătoarea demnității umane”. (François Hollande, Fost preșdinte al Franței). În data de 11 iulie 2019, Multicultural Business Institute a avut plăcerea de a participa la un eveniment organizat […]
New Year reception – Deutschsprachiger Wirtschaftsclub Nordtransilvanien
On January 17, 2019, Multicultural Business Institute had the honor of attending the 2nd New Year reception organized by the German Language Businessmen’s Club of Northwestern Transylvania (Deutschsprachiger Wirtschaftsclub Nordtransilvanien – DWNT). Numerous representatives of local and national administration as well as from educational, cultural, political, health and economic environments were present.
International Diplomatic Seminar “140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Romania: history and dialogue perspectives”
Multicultural Business Institute management was honoured to participate at the international diplomatic seminar “140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Romania: history and dialogue perspectives” organized by the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Russian Center for Culture and Science from Bucharest […]
Exhibition: Romanian Values Platform – November 2-11, 2018
Between 2 and 11 November 2017, Multicultural Business Institute organized the 1st exhibition for the promotion of the 1st Season of the Romanian Valuation Program Platform and of the young authors and their works in the hall of Galleria Lateralia (Lateralia Gallery) within the “Lucian Blaga” University Central Library in Cluj-Napoca […]
Exhibition: Romanian Values Platform – May 2-18, 2018
As we are in a year of celebration for the Romanian society – the year of the Centenary of Great Romania, between May 2 and 18, 2018, the Multicultural Business Institute team had the pleasure to organize exhibition of the 1st Season of the “Romanian Values” platform-program aimed at promoting the creative people and their work, especially the young […]
Fresh Blood Cluj – a Health Tech Community
Participation at the event organized by Fresh Blood Cluj – Health Tech Community (April 18, 2018) with the theme “Conversations on Medicine and Technology” – having as guests 4 important personalities from both medical and technical fields of Cluj and Romania: Dr. Bogdan Florea – primary neurologist, Dr. Florin Graur – Primary Care Physician general surgeon […]
Expoziția de fotografii „Repere Crimeene”
Participare la Expoziția de fotografii „Repere Crimeene” organizat de Vostok Grup cu sprijinul Ambasadei Federației Ruse la București și a Centrului Rus de Cultură și Știință. A vorbit despre viața din Crimeea din prezent jurnalista Anna Sadovnikova – 18 aprilie 2018 […]
Tech Industry Awards Gala – 1st Edition, November 2016
On November 17, 2016, Multicultural Business Institute, member of Transylvania Creative Industries Cluster, had the honour to participate at the first edition of the Tech Industry Awards Gala where Cluj local leaders in the industry were given public recognition for their activities in fields such as innovation, education […]
Workshop on clustering
On October 28, 2016, Multicultural Business Institute attended the workshop on clustering organized and moderated by Ciprian Morcan – General Manager Hygia Consult and Bianca Muntean – Executive Director – Aries Transylvania (Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry – Transylvania branch). This event is part of a project […]
Seminarul cu membrii DWNT – Clubul Oamenilor de Afaceri de Limba Germană din Nordul Transilvaniei, la sediul firmei Robert Bosch din Jucu, județul Cluj – 6 septembrie 2017
Multicultural Business Institute a avut onoarea să participe, în calitate de invitat la întâlnirea lunară a membrilor DWNT din luna septembrie 2017, la sediul companiei Robert Bosch din Jucu, începând cu ora 18.30. Programul serii a inclus prezentarea companiei Robert Bosch de către dl.Jürgen Ruprecht, Director Economic, urmată de vizitarea fabricii […]
Conferința anuală internațională Open Innovation 2.0
Conferința anuală internațională Open Innovation 2.0, ediția a V-a, în premieră în Estul Europei, la Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Organizatori: Comisia Europeană – Directoratul General CONNECT prin Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG); Comitetul European al Regiunilor; Primăria Cluj-Napoca […]
Ziua Națională a Franței
Celebrarea Zilei Naționale a Franței a avut loc la Cluj, conform tradiției, la Casino din Parcul Central și a reunit peste 350 de persoane, între care numeroare personalități din lumea politică, economică, universitară și culturală. Multicultural Business Institute a fost reprezentat de către Alexandra Cotae, manager general și Tatiana Costaș […]
CIVI Fair – October 19-20, 2016
In October 19-20 2016, Multicultural Business Institute participated at the CIVI Fair (C.I.V.I.-Cluj Initiative for Volunteering and Involvement) organized by the U.N. Youth Romania-Cluj branch, at the Casino building in the Central Park of Cluj-Napoca. The event was dedicated to the public who are interested to know more about NGO activities in Cluj […]
Târg de Cariere
Târgul de Cariere, Cluj-Napoca. Organizator: Asociația Fapte. Participare a peste 60 de companii românești și multinaționale (7-8 martie 2017);
10 ani de la aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană
Conferința „10 ani de la aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană” organizată de Asociația pentru Studii și Prognoze Economico Sociale, în cadrul Aulei Magna a Universității „Babeș-Bolyai”. Invitați, alături de domnul dl. Ec. Constantin Boștină, președintele ASPES: prof. dr. Vasile Pușcaș, negociatorul șef al aderării României la Uniunea Europeană […]
NGO’s Forum
Our Institute had the honour to participate, Friday, October 28, 2016, at the NGO’s Forum, an event held at Casa Universitarilor in Cluj-Napoca. The forum was organized by the Francophone Business Club from Cluj in partnership with the Honorary Consulate of France in Cluj, the French Cultural Institute, the Dutch Business Club in Cluj, the British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce […]
Workshopul “Lean Marketing Process: how to take decisions and test your marketing ideas”
Workshopul “Lean Marketing Process: how to take decisions and test your marketing ideas” cu Gabriel Dombri, antreprenor, marketing expert; în cadrul programului Cluj Capitala Europeană a Tineretului 2015 (6 noiembrie 2015);
Seminar cu Krish Dhanam
Seminarul cu Krish Dhanam, business speaker – trainer-consultant de talie internațională, Ambasador al grupului de companii Ziglar, organizată de bizz.club, Cluj-Napoca (24 noiembrie 2015);
Solidart ChangeMakers Festiva
Solidart ChangeMakers Festival, ediţia 1, dedicat economiei sociale, Cluj-Napoca (4 octombrie 2015)
Conferința „Ele au reușit”
Conferința „Ele au reușit” organizată de ELITE Business Women în Cluj-Napoca ca parte a Campaniei Naționale omonime cu scopul de promovare a leadershipului feminin și a egalității de șanse (19 octombrie 2015)
„Challenges of young leaders in a globalized market”
Conferința „Challenges of young leaders in a globalized market” ținut de Prof. dr. Prabhu Guptara, director executive UBS Bank, membru în Consiliul de Administrație al Universității St. Gallen, Elveția; locația: Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai”, Facultatea de Științe Economice și Gestiunea Afacerilor, organizator: Fundația România Pro Culture-Tinerii de Mâine (15 octombrie 2015)
Curs de dezvoltare personală
Curs de dezvoltare personală al Fundației România Pro-Culture, proiectul Liderii de Mâine, filiala Cluj-Napoca (4 noiembrie-9 decembrie 2015); „Între Antreprenoriat și Financiar” sesiune informală de workshopuri, traininguri și discursuri motivaționale dedicată micilor antreprenori, organizat de grupul de inițiativă „Din suflet pentru Cluj” în cadrul programului Cluj Capitala Europeană a Tineretului 2015 (13 mai 2015) […]
„Al treilea spaţiu al cetăţeniei active”
Participarea, la invitația conducerii Bibliotecii Județene, în calitate de reprezentant al societății civile la dezbaterea civică în cadrul proiectului „Al treilea spaţiu al cetăţeniei active” organizat de Biblioteca Județeană „Octavian Goga” Cluj și Fundația PROGRESS (martie 2016);
RE-MARKET – eveniment dedicat Săptămânii Verzi la inițiativa Uniunii Europene (EUGREENWEEK)
În perioada 23-24 mai 2018, Centrul pentru Inițiere și Dezvoltare Organizațională – CIOS, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca și Clusterul pentru Economie Circulară și Sustenabilitate Organizațională – CESCO, partenerii Multicultural Business Institute, au organizat RE-MARKET – eveniment dedicat Săptămânii Verzi la inițiativa Uniunii Europene (EUGREENWEEK) cu scopul de a explora modalitățile […]
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