
We pledge to foster inter-cultural understanding, tolerance, mutual respect and an ethic of global citizenship and shared responsibility. We acknowledge the natural and cultural diversity of the world and recognize that all cultures and civilizations can contribute to, and are crucial enablers of, sustainable development. […] (United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, New York, September 25-26, 2015 – “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”)

Multicultural Business Institute is a bridge between people, traditions and values and a roundtable of communication, communion, sharing and exchange or resources and utilities (informational, material, financial, technological, cultural, scientific, social, etc.) between those who own and create them (persons and organisations) and those who can benefit fully from them: individuals, social groups, communities, organisations and institutions alike.

Our values will be transformed. The contributions by our own talent to meet higher needs will gain precedence over the accumulation of material possessions. During the period of the Fourth Wave, people will consider themselves as part of a single living system and sharing a common identity. Authority will be completely internalized, and power will belong to each individual. People will prefer to work together to create a future from which all living beings, human and nonhuman, will benefit. Companies will be asked to do nothing but to understand their function as architects of the future on the planet and as leaders of the global society, in ways that are more important than purely economic. (Herman B. Maynard Jr. & Susan E. Mehrtens – “The Fourth Wave. Business in the 21st Century”)

And indeed, the business world is the one that actually builds progress, as it owns key resources: know-how (knowledge and competences); expertise (experience and capability); wisdom; vision; motivation, will,  interest; viable solutions derived from the realities of society.

At the same time, professionals from the other fields of activity (academia, culture, law, administration, politics, medicine, technology, science and the list is open) with solutions and ideas to the existing social problems need to have their voice heard and find the right partners to implement them.

Students, youth, professionals and other categories in the search for affirmation and professional development opportunities also need a platform that launches, supports and offers them credibility.

Why multiculturalism?

The historical trend of our planet has been the tendency to shift towards globalization in all organizational processes and structures, starting from massive ones (economical, social, political, etc.) until we reach the more individual ones (lifestyle, personal development needs, way to be and self consciousness).

All the general and particular realities have been in a continuous process of transformation which people and society need to embrace and follow.

The historical evolution of the world leads to an increasingly extensive association going through the various stages of family, city, nation, international community, and ending with universal association, that is the association of all people all over the globe, and in all kinds of relationships. (Henri de Saint-Simon)

The future of the planet can be persistent only throughout the achievement of the unity and universality of a new culture and civilization. Its fundament lies in the superior value of syncretism deriving from the cultures and the civilizations of the past and present.

Culture stemming from history helps man to rediscover, through so many avatars, the meaning of destiny. Any true culture is prospective. It is not a sterile evocation of dead things, but the discovery of a creative impetus that is transmitted from generation to generation which warms and illuminates at the same time. (Peter L. Berger)

In an increasingly globalized and constantly changing world, where there is a growing interdependence among societies, as well as their mobility and interaction being common realities, it is necessary to take an inter– and multi– cultural approach regarding human relations, both personal and professional. This implies both cognitive and empathic awareness of the cultural differences between us and the persons with whom we collaborate, as well as openness regarding the exchange of values, practices, and the implementation of agreements beneficial to both sides and furthermore to society as a whole.

With the feminization of the workplace, leaders from all kind of organizations will come to realize that prosperity depends on regarding the employees in all their humanity as physical, emotional and spiritual beings. Fundamental changes in the sphere of values that guide the organizational environment to act in relation to their employees will provide the foundation upon which the community will be built. (Herman B. Maynard Jr. & Susan E. Mehrtens – “The Fourth Wave. Business in the 21st Century”)

In this context, an efficient cooperation and a harmonious coexistence of the people and communities pertaining to different cultures and varied social, business, institutional, academic, youth environments, implies the mutual knowledge of each part’s tradition and the recognition of the beneficial role offered to society (culturally, socially, economically speaking) through such collaborations.