Laura Pintilie is also Junior Researcher at Multicultural Business Institute (currently carrying out legal and technological research programs) and student at Faculty of Law (“Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca). The contact with the legal world made possible the encounter between Laura and technological law, which gave rise to a passion, a living inclination regarding this field. She is also the author of several articles on legal issues, particularly on data protection. Besides writing essays, Laura is also volunteering in non-governmental organizations dealing with solving various malfunctions that exist in the local public administration system and initiating different campaigns that are meant to offer help.
Laura is co-author of several professional and academic papers, among them being the ones following up:
– “Demnitate și moralitate în actul de justiție” (“Dignity and morality in the act of justice”) – Napoca Star Publishing House, 2018, academically accredited in Human Development (Ethics) Series of the Multicultural Business Institute.
– “Mecanisme sociale implicate în dezvoltarea potențialului uman” (“Social mechanisms involved in the development of human potential”) – Napoca Star Publishing House, 2018, professionally accredited in Human Development (Psychology) Series of the Multicultural Business Institute.