Scientist, Educator, Counselor, Coach, Organizational engineer, Mentor
1. Scientific Research – 32 years
2. Education, Coaching, Training: – 24 years
a) Academic education: Courses, seminars, writing curriculum and teaching and auxiliary activities in academic (scientific and university) field: 19 curricula in 13 different domains: management, psychology, pedagogy, business, law, ecology, communications and public relations, sustainable development, public administration, taxonomy, sociology, economic entrepreneurship, methodology of scientific research.
b) Professional curricula and adult education field: Courses, trainings, workshops and development activities: 14 curricula in 9 fields: personal development, career management, social entrepreneurship, psychology, organizational engineering, human resources, communications, personal ergonomics, marketing.
3. Conducting / consulting/ coaching academic projects, studies and dissertations:
a) development, innovation and scientific research projects: 22 years
b) bachelor, master and doctorate works and papers: 20 years
Counseling / designing/ planning / mentoring / coaching in the following areas:
- Economic and Social Entrepreneurship
- Education (designing and mentoring curriculum and academic programs, systematic and taxonomy, professional development, adult education, staff training in several professional fields – science, teaching, entrepreneurship, marketing, public relations, NGO management, law etc. – conducting/ auditing/ counseling of dissertations, doctoral research projects and papers)
- Human development & Quality of Life;
- Social Engineering and Community Development;
- Communication and Public Relations; Branding;
- Legal (business, government/ constitutional, public administration, environmental, NGO, social & economic entrepreneurship)
- Administrative and Secretarial;
- Strategic and Operational Management for individuals and their projects & objectives
- Self-Image Marketing;
- Commercial and Organizational Marketing, Organizational Image and Culture;
- Social assistance and support;
- Human Resources Management and Personnel Development in Organizations;
- Psychology, Personal/ Self- Development, Spirituality;
- Career Designing and Management; Management of Personal and Professional Success.
- Designing, start-up and/or development of organizations: more than 140 organizations in different areas of activity such as: politics, business, educational, scientific, cultural, ecology & sustainable development, community, professional, therapy, NGO, social entrepreneurship.
- Strategic management counselling, planning & designing: for organizations & programs/ projects, for public institutions, business organizations, NGO & community organizations, political parties, in following fields: cultural, scientific, educational, community, economic, politics
- Academic organizations/ institutions
- Cultural & spiritual organizations & programs
- Youth & student organizations
- Community organizations & programs
- Social entrepreneurship organizations & programs
- Business organizations & entrepreneurship
a) Coordinator & co-author of collective volumes
- 16 volumes in various fields: business, law, economic & social entrepreneurship, management,
b) Coordination & Counseling editorial series
- Editorial and Academic Adviser & Coordinator at “Multicultural Business Institute”, “Roumanian Values Platform” (17 editorial Series),“ Academy of Elite, Models and Values” with Napoca Star, Limes, Ecou Transilvan, ALL, Colorama – Publishing Houses
- Ex-Counselor and Coordinator of “Economic, Legal and Managerial Series”, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca
- Ex-Editorial Adviser at Cultural and Scientific Foundation “Mercury”, Cluj-Napoca
c)Promoting and publishing youth scientists
– Several dozen people (more than 250) in about 280 publications (books), collectively or individually
F. AUTHORING – 25 years
a) academic books: – 25 volumes (as author or coauthor-coordinator)
b) professional materials: – 11 volumes (as author or coauthor-coordinator)
c) cultural creation: – 4 volumes (aphorisms, essays and poetry)
d) other writtings – 6 volumes
a) Books from Spiritual Science field
- Steps to The New Civilization of Terra:The Spiritual Mission Of Humanity And Romania In The Context Of Planetary Transformation (free download here)
- Ontological Fundamentals of Paideia Education (free download here)
- Psychology of Being (free download here)
- Fundamentals of Economic Systems Evolution. An anthropological vision of the role of the economy in the progress of man and society (free download here)
- Integrative Ecological Psychology of Personality (free download here)
- The pyramid of basic human needs beyond Maslow – a psycho-spiritual perspective (free download here)
- Foundamentals of Counseling in Management of Human Condition and High-Quality of Life
- The Center of Counseling in Management of Human Condition and High-Quality of Life
- The Training of Personell for Conuseling in Management ofHuman Condition and High-Quality of Life
- Fundamentals of Transdisciplinary Research
- Psychology of Transdisciplinary Research
- Transdisciplinary Research Management
- Universal Laws of Psychic System (free download here)
- Social Mandate in Family Law and other sociological essays
- The Inner Universe of Power
b) Academic and professional manuals (clasic stuff)
- Business Law
- Business Legal Techniques, Tools and Practices
- Environmental Law
- Management of Sustainable Development
- Incubators, Business Centers and other Support Structures for new ventures (start-up business)
- Introduction to Romanian law – Public Law
- Introduction to Romanian law – Private law
- Legal Business Associatiative Structures
- Methodology of Scientific Research in Economics; vol I: Fundamental Theory
- Methodology of Scientific Research in Economics; vol II: Dissertation development and presentation
- Methodology of Scientific Research in Economics; vol III: Metodological research skills development
- Professional Behavior: Etiquette and Communication
- Professional Training Course for Managers and Etrepreneurs: vol I: Fundamentals
- Professional Training Course for Managers and Etrepreneurs: vol II: Managerial Performance
- Professional Training Course for Managers and Etrepreneurs: Vol III: Managerial Experience
- Psychology and Performance of Manager
c) Aphorisms and poetry
- In the Great Movement of Tthought
- Ode to The Women
- Delights of Being: Existential Poems
- Free Spirit: Reflections and Aphorisms
d) Colective volume coordinated
- Determinants of Quality of Life: Culture, Religion, Education, Business,Social and Human Values
- Community and Business Environment
- Fundamentals of Community Development: Education, Economy, Social Environement
Some of the books above can be seen (or free downloaded) here and here
For other information please vizit these pages
a) Basic Members
b) Associate members
48. Andreea Mihalache
49. Monica Mihaela Mocan
50. Cristina Agrijan